Sunday, May 3, 2009

ERD quiz

ERD quiz

From ERD diagram above there is 2 error, that is:
• No cardinality between table BAGIAN and PROYEK.
• To determine foreign key between table PEGAWAI and BAGIAN on relation PIMPIN.
• No relation from table PROYEK to ternary, because table PROYEK has have relation KERJA with table PEGAWAI.
So, I try to improve ERD as following:

• I give cardinality between table BAGIAN to table PROYEK with relation 1 to N (one to many).
• I give participation from table BAGIAN to table PEGAWAI the relation is total, in order to I can determine which one table that get foreign key from relation PIMPIN.
• I remove relation between table PROYEK to ternary, because table PROYEK has have relation KERJA with table PEGAWAI.

1NF and 2NF

For table TANGGUNGAN and KERJA don’t need to normalization, because that tables don’t have primary key.
For the 3NF normalization. First, determine attribute from above which have transitive dependency, that is: