Common Review of System Development
systems development
systems development is compose a new system to replace the system old ones as a whole or improve the system which have exist. Old system need to repair, if:
1. There are problems at the system, that is:
a. Irregularity at old system cause old system can’t operated accord who expected, that is:
- Insincerities intended cause doesn’t peaceful of estae properties of company and truth of data.
- Insincerities is not intended also cause truth of data not well guarantee.
- Inefficient of operation.
- Is not adhered by of policy of management which have been specified.
b. Growth of organization cause must compose new system, that is requirement of information is progressively wide, data-processing volume progressively mount, change of accountancy principle.
2. Obtain opportunities
Organization begin experience that information technology need to used for increase provide information until can support process taking decision which doing by management.
3. Directives
Compilation of system is also happened with existence of instructions the from the top leader or organizational from outside, example regulation of government.
Expectations after developing a system information.
- Performance
improvement of work before and after usage SI visible from many works able to be done and completion of task time mean, follow the example of before using SI a organization can only finish 3 unto 5 work in one day and need the old time for the data processing, but after using SI, organization can finish 10 unto 11 work and data processing have with quicker time.
- Information
improvement of the information quality obtained from data processing with SI, for example before using SI a organization doing many mistake of data-processing moment so that the quality of output crummy, after using SI mistake in data processing thus far decrease, so that the quality of information become nicer.
- Economy
SI (system information) can lower of expense, follow the example of before using SI data processing done by some people so that cost money to employ them, but with SI, enough one commisioned just employees for the input of just data is while the processing is system, so that more economical in giving the salary employees.
- Control
improvement to operation to detect and repair the insincerity and also mistakes and there will be happen. Example, system can process the more accurate data of human, system can become peacemaker of data in order not to can be accessed by people who have no business at company.
- Efficiency
SI easier do the data processing, example of swalayan have used barcode for the input of goods code to sales transaction moment computer.
- Services
SI also can give the service at society, for example transaction pass web making the people not necessarily come to selected shop for transaction.
Purpose of developing an system information
1) Resolve of problems
2) Reach for opportunities
3) Fulfill given instruction
Principle System Development
1. system made or developed have to can support the management, here a developer of system have to know how do management of the company so that the system made as according to requirement of company management. for example a company of bag order the sale system pass web, hence woke up system have to be made can do the payment pass no account, publicize the products, and can calculate the shoe type what do most saleable bought by customer, so that company can make the more product like that.
2. System is big investment
Each investment have to consider 2 matter following:
a. If the alternative is disregarded and have come too far unintentionally to inculcate the fund to a[n invesment project, hence investor will lose time to plant his fund to other invesment, thus here the investigation of good for investor to determine the project which give biggest advantage.
b. Best investigation have to valuable , best investigation just told profit if valuable with the meaning benefit (benefit) or result of reverse bigger than expense to obtain it (cost). cost-benefit analysis & cost-effectivenes analysis applicable to determine what is valuable invesment project good or don't
3. Developed system need educated people
developed system need the educated people [of] involver in development and usage of system is educated people concerning the problems and to the solutions is possibly done. educated [is] not meaning have to formally sit in high teacher, but can be done groundingly (on-job-training). core of someone have to have the education to be faced by his problem.
4. Step work
System development life cycle, first have to made scheduled for refer the steps work and duties to be done, so that process the system development can be done and completed on schedule with planned budget.
5. System development don't have to ordinal
Intention of statement is step work can be done at the same time because if project have ever been quicker hence can be done by the quicker, we can do examination so that can know insuffiency of project and improve it.
6. Don't fear to cancel project
If done project beyond question could give advantage clearly can be continued, but if project experiencing of many problem and have cannot to be developed to become the system able to fulfill requirement early hence this project have to be discontinued in order not to generate loss of larger ones again.
7. System documentation
Documentation must be done at the while process of system started, because communications materials documentation applicable to among system analysts with user of system and applicable to push involvement of user of system. Documentation is also function to note everything performed within making of system so that with documentation, easier system to be developed.
System development life cycle
Life cycle l by the system development is forming the used to depict the especial step and stages steps in the step in course of his development. There are three life cycle model, that is:
1) Waterfall Model
At waterfall model, first will enter the phase requirements when done by gathering of problems and requirement of system then analyse problems and requirement of the system. Then step into the phase design, where made design system of requirement analysis and problems of system, then step into the phase implementation, [at] this phase start to be made or implementation design system into a system, for example making or coding program with design program which have been made. After system is completed step into the phase verification, at this phase of system tested by do system have can finish all problems and fulfill requirement at phase requirements, if not yet hence system will improve at this phase, after have will step into the phase maintenance. This phase is conservancy phase, where can be added the functions at system so that can give the better system again from before system.
2) Iteratif Model
At iteratif model, first will be done initial planning to determine planning of making of system and determine will make what do system. then step into the phase requirements, here all problems and requirement of system to be made. Then at phase analysis & design to analyse problems and requirement [at] phase requirements then make design his system. [At] phase implementation start to be made by system from design the, then system will be tested [at] phase testing, if in rough will be noted [at] phase evaluate then return to the phase requirement to collect system insuffiency, then step into the phase analysis & design then step into the implementation phase again for the repair of system, so continue the system shall perfect, after have, system will be weared by deployment.
3) Spiral Model
Model Spiral is initially proposed by Boehm [BOEHM88]. Model spiral is modeling the software process evolution which stringing up the nature of iterative from model Iterative and nature of systematic of model waterfall.
This model contain six duty region:
Communications client: required duty to develop the effective communications among developers and client.
Planning: required duty to define the resource, accuracy of time, and other related information.
Risk analysis: required duty to appraise the good risk of management and technical.
Engineering: required duty to develop one or more represented from application.
Construction and launching: required duty for construction, to test, tide, and give the service to user.
Evaluation client: required duty to obtain feed back of client by made system evaluation.
• Planning
• Getting requirements requirement and problems of system
• Project planning (based on initial reqs.)
• Project planning (based on customer eval.)
• Risk analysis
• Cost/Benefit and threats/opportunities analysis
• Based on initial reqs. and later on customer feedback
• Engineering
• Preview it
• Do it
• Customer evaluation
Approach of system development
a. Classic approach vs approach of structure.
Classic approach
Approach method is classical develop the system by following the steps in system life cycle without supplied by adequate techniques and appliance. Problems emerging with this approach is:
• Development of software become difficultly, because this approach [is] less giving [of] appliances and techniques in system development, so that process the development become difficult and not directional done.
• Expense become costlierly.
• Possibility of mistake of big system, because classic approach don't provide the way to examination system.
• Less well guaranted efficacy.
• Internal issue applying of system, because this approach don't entangle [user/ wearer] of system at the (time) of system development, sengingga [user/ wearer] don't know usage of system how to this.
Approach of structure
approach of structure provided with the techniques and appliances required in system development so that end result of developed to be system to be got by theX the is system [of] his structure is defined better and clearly.
this approach cover:
• Consumer involve from early to determine requirement of system.
• Use tools-tools be like data flow diagram.
b. Piecemeal approach vs systems approach.
Piecemeal approach is the system sill emphasize at an selected application or activity. This approach, selected to be application or activity to be developed regardless of his position in information system or regardless of target entirety of organization. This approach only paying attention activity or application is.
systems approach pay attention the information system as one unity integrated to each activity or his application. this approach also emphasize at the goal achievement to entire/all organization.
c. Bottom-up Approach vs top-down approach.
Bottom-up Approach started from level under organization, that is level operational where transaction done. this approach is started from formulation of requirement to handle the transaction and climb level to the by formulating requirement of information based on the transaction.
Top-down approach started from level to the, that is level planning of strategy. this approach is started by defining the target and policy of organization, hereinafter to analyse requirement of information. After analysis hence process will go down to transaction process that is determination output, input, data bases, procedures operate for and control.
d. Approach of system - totally vs approach moduler.
Approach of system is the approach develop the system at a time totally, This approach [is] less synchronized of complex money system, because will become difficult to be developed. this approach is distinguishing the classic approach.
Approach moduler is the system trying break the complicated system become some shares or module modestly, so that system will be more is easy to comprehended and developed, as a result system will be able to be developed on schedule which have been planned, is easy to comprehended by user of system and is easy to looked after. This approach is marking of approach of structure.
e. Great loop approach vs evolutionary approach
Great loop approach apply change totally simultaneously use the sophisticated technology. this change containing many risk, because quicker computer technology expand and to [be] yrs. to come have become worn out. this approach become costly enough, because this approach use all technologies and difficult to be developed.
Evolutionary approach apply the sophisticated technology just for just the applications need at that moment and will continue to be developed for the next period follow requirement according to growth existing technology. approach expand to cause the invesment don't too costly and can keep abreast of the technology quickly, so that used technology don't be worn out quickly.
Methodologies System Development
Methodologies is unity of methods, procedures, work concepts, the postulates and orders used by a[n science, artistic or other discipline.
Method is a way, systematic technique to do something. Sill system methodologies mean is methods, work concepts procedures, orders and postulates to be used to develop a[n information system. In system development of information, needed to use a[n methodologies able to be used as by guidance how do and what do had to be done [by] during development. By following the procedures or method given by a[n methodologies, hence development of system can expected will be able to be finished successfully. Is for that needed algorithm is procedure sequence for billows of problem.
Three classifications of development methodology
1. Functional Decomposition methodologies
This methodologies emphasize at resolving of system into subsystem-subsystem the smaller, so that will be more easy to be comprehended, designed and applied. Which included in this methodologies is:
- HIPO (Hierarchy plus Input-Process-Output).
- Stepwise refinement or Iterative stepwise refinement.
- Information-Hiding
2. Data-oriented methodologies
This methodologies emphasize at characteristic of data to be processed. This methodologies is grouped into 2 class:
• Data-flow oriented methodologies
this methodologies is in general based on resolving of system into modules pursuant to from the module logic behaviour and data element type in system. Which including this methodologies is:
- SADT (Structured Analysis an Design Techniques)
- Composite Design
- Structured Systems and analysis and Design (SSAD)
• Data structure oriented methodologies
this methodologies emphasize structure of input and output in system. Which including this methodologies is:
- JSD (Jakson’s systems development)
- W / O (Warnier / Orr).
3. Prescriptive Methodologies
Which including methodology is:
- ISDOS ( information system design and optimization system) usefulness from ISDOS is optimal process system development of information. ISDOS have two component, that is PSL and PSA. PSL is especial component from ISDOS, that is a Ianguage to note requirement of user in the form of machine-readable form. PSA is the software package looking like with data dictionary and used to check the entered data, which kept, which analysed and the yielded as output report.
- PLEXSYS. Utilizing It is to do transformation an statement Ianguage computer high level to a executable code to a[n hardware configuration which wanted.
- PRIDE, is a[n inwrought software which good to analysis or design structure system, data management, management of is project of and documentation.
- SDM/70, is a[n software contain with method corps, estimation, documentation and guide of administration to assist the user to develop and take care of the effective system.
- SPECTRUM, is developed system development methodologies and have some versions. SPECTRUM-1 (to life cycle conventional), SPECTRUM-2 ( for the system of management of is project of structure) and SPECTRUM-3 (to be on-line interactive estimator).
Appliance and Technique in System Development
System development appliances in form of graph are as follows:
a) HIPO diagram, used in methodologies HIPO and other methodologies.
b) Data flow diagram, used in methodologies structured systems analysis and design.
c) Structured chart, used in methodologies structured systems analysis and design.
d) SADT diagram, used in methodologies SADT.
e) Warnier/Orr diagram, used in methodologies Warnier/Orr.
f) Jakson’s diagram, used in methodologies Jackson System Development.
Appliance use the schema:
1) Activity Charting is schema to depict activity.
a) System flowchart
b) Program flowchart
- Program logic flowchart
- Detailed computer program flowchart
c) Paperwork flowchart is referred also from flowchart
d) Database relationship flowchart
e) Process flowchart
f) Gantt chart
2) Schema to depict to arrange situation (layout charting)
3) schema to depict personnel relationship (personal relationship charting)
a) Working distribution work
b) Organization chart
Technique System Development
a) Management technique of project of, that is CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). This technique is used in for schedule of project.
b) fact finding technique, is technique able to be used to collect the data and find the facts in activity study the system, that is:
- interview
- observation
- questionnaires
- sampling
c) cost-effectiveness analysis or cost-benefit analysis
d) Technique to run the meeting
e) Technique inspect / walkthrough
System Analyst and Programmer
System analyst: study problems and determine requirement of user of system to identify the resolving. Analyst system responsibility at system as a whole, knowledge of system analyst don't only at computer technology, but also at application area who handled by it. Work of analyst system entangle the relation many people, including system analyst humanity, programmer, but also user of system and manager.
Programmer: write the program code pursuant to designing to wake up the made by the Analyst system analyst on call link difference of knowledge that happened between users of system and Programmer. Responsibility limited to making of computer program, knowledge only limited to computer technology, computer system, utilities and needed programming language. Work don't concerning the relation with many people, enough only programmer and analyst.
Knowledge to be owned by system analyst:
1) Knowledge and membership concerning data-processing technique, computer technology and program computer.
a. Technical membership to be owned [by] is membership in usage of appliance and technique for the development of software of application and also membership in using the computer.
b. Technical knowledge to be owned cover the knowledge concerning hardware [of] computer, technological [of] data communications, computer Ianguages, operating system, utilities and other software packages.
2) Knowledge of business in general, this knowledge is required so that system analyst can communicate with user of system. Knowledge of business cover the financial accounting, cost accounting, accounting management, system operation of management, marketing, production, personnel management, finance, organization behaviour, company wisdom and others.
3) Development of Quantitative Method, many in developing the application models, for example linear of programming, dynamic programming, regresion and others.
4) Membership of trouble-shooting, is ability to be able to break problems of faced by complex of business into parts of his, analyse it and then have to string up it again become a system so that can overcome the problems.
5) Membership of Communications between Personnel, this membership is needed in interview, presentation, meeting and making of reports.
6) Membership in constructing the relation in personnel.
Friday, March 6, 2009
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